
Found 34 Documents (Results 1–34)

Laplace operator and separation of variables in noncommutative geometry. (English) Zbl 1097.81512

Ukrainian mathematical congress–2001, Kiev, Ukraine, August 21–23, 2001. Proceedings. Section 5. Mathematical physics. Kyïv: Instytut Matematyky NAN Ukraïny (ISBN 966-02-2733-7). 38-54 (2002).
MSC:  81Q10 35J05 39A70

Commutative Poisson subalgebras for Sklyanin brackets and deformations of some known integrable models. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1067.37076

Theor. Math. Phys. 133, No. 3, 1730-1743 (2002); translation from Teor. Mat. Fiz. 133, No. 3, 485-500 (2002).
MSC:  37J35 17B63 53D17 37J15 70H06 37K10
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Necessary and sufficient oscillation criteria for discrete reaction-diffusion equations. (English) Zbl 1062.39005

Elaydi, S. (ed.) et al., New trends in difference equations. Proceedings of the 5th international conference on difference equations and applications, Temuco, Chile, January 2–7, 2000. London: Taylor & Francis (ISBN 0-415-28389-2/hbk). 69-78 (2002).
MSC:  39A11 39A12 35K57

Towards classification of separable Pauli equations. (English) Zbl 1039.81016

Nikitin, A. G. (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the fourth international conference on symmetry in nonlinear mathematical physics, Kyïv, Ukraine, July 9–15, 2001. Part 2. Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of M. Ostrohrads’kyi. Kyïv: Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine (ISBN 966-02-2486-9). Proc. Inst. Math. Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., Math. Appl. 43(2), 768-773 (2002).

\(R\)-matrix approach to the Krall-Sheffer problem. (English) Zbl 1034.37029

Nikitin, A. G. (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the fourth international conference on symmetry in nonlinear mathematical physics, Kyïv, Ukraine, July 9–15, 2001. Part 1. Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of M. Ostrohrads’kyi. Kyïv: Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine (ISBN 966-02-2486-9). Proc. Inst. Math. Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., Math. Appl. 43(1), 314-320 (2002).
MSC:  37J35 37K30 17B62 35J10 35Q40 37J15 81R12

Sampling methods for approximate solution of PDE. (English) Zbl 1026.35006

Nashed, M. Zuhair (ed.) et al., Inverse problems, image analysis, and medical imaging. AMS special session on interaction of inverse problems and image analysis, New Orleans, LA, USA, January 10-13, 2001. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Contemp. Math. 313, 199-249 (2002).

Introduction to partial differential equations: a computational approach. Transl. from the English by Hanna Peywand Kiani. (Einführung in partielle Differentialgleichungen. Ein numerischer Zugang. Übersetzt aus dem Englischen von Hanna Peywand Kiani.) (German) Zbl 0985.35001

Springer-Lehrbuch. Berlin: Springer. xiv, 392 S. (2002).
MSC:  35-01 65Mxx 65Nxx

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