
Found 5 Documents (Results 1–5)

An analysis of the algebraic group model. (English) Zbl 1519.94201

Agrawal, Shweta (ed.) et al., Advances in cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2022. 28th international conference on the theory and application of cryptology and information security, Taipei, Taiwan, December 5–9, 2022. Proceedings. Part IV. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13794, 310-322 (2023).
MSC:  94A60
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Boosting the security of blind signature schemes. (English) Zbl 1514.94153

Tibouchi, Mehdi (ed.) et al., Advances in cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2021. 27th international conference on the theory and application of cryptology and information security, Singapore, December 6–10, 2021. Proceedings. Part IV. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13093, 468-492 (2021).
MSC:  94A62 94A60 68P25
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Algebraic adversaries in the universal composability framework. (English) Zbl 1514.94026

Tibouchi, Mehdi (ed.) et al., Advances in cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2021. 27th international conference on the theory and application of cryptology and information security, Singapore, December 6–10, 2021. Proceedings. Part III. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13092, 311-341 (2021).
MSC:  94A60
Full Text: DOI HAL

Selective-opening security in the presence of randomness failures. (English) Zbl 1407.94120

Cheon, Jung Hee (ed.) et al., Advances in cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2016. 22nd international conference on the theory and application of cryptology and information security, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 4-8, 2016. Proceedings. Part II. Berlin: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 10032, 278-306 (2016).
MSC:  94A60
Full Text: DOI

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